Юрген Клопп Former Liverpool winger Ryan Babel believes that Reds head coach Jurgen Klopp will return to work earlier than planned.

When Klopp announced his departure from Liverpool at the end of the season in January, he said he would not coach for at least a year. Jurgen admitted that he would not take on another job at all.

However, it seems to Babel that Klopp will quickly get bored with resting, and already “within six months” Jurgen will be ready to plunge into football again.

“Jurgen Klopp will probably visit a lot of places to relax, drink beer and spend time with his family.”

“He will try to relieve all his stress by being surrounded by his family before he inevitably returns to work. Judging from the outside and knowing Jurgen Klopp, it seems to me that he has far from exhausted himself. I think he’ll get bored within six months and he’ll want to coach again.”

“The question is where he will go. In my opinion, there are not many teams that deserve Jurgen Klopp. This coach needs to be accepted for who he is. He’s someone who needs time to fully embody his style of play.”

“I would be happy to see him succeed in a team like Real Madrid, but given all that has been said, Real Madrid is not the team that will give him two or three years to play football the way he wants.”

“That’s why I don’t think Real Madrid deserves it. Even a team like Bayern Munich is not very patient with their coaches. There are rumors that he may become the coach of the German national team… I don’t know about that. But I think he will definitely surprise a lot of people,” Babel was quoted as saying by the Daily Mirror.

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