Astonishing Comeback: Everton Stuns Manchester United with Last-Minute WinnerAstonishing Comeback: Everton Stuns Manchester United with Last-Minute Winner In a pulsating match at Goodison Park, Everton produced a remarkable comeback to snatch a 3-2 victory over Manchester United in the dying embers of the game. United took the lead through Cristiano Ronaldo in the 19th minute, stunning the home crowd into silence. The Portuguese superstar latched onto a brilliant pass from Bruno Fernandes and slotted it past Jordan Pickford. Everton fought back valiantly in the second half, but it wasn’t until the 77th minute that they equalized. Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s header from a corner kick sent the stadium into a frenzy. Just as it seemed that the points would be shared, United regained the advantage in the 87th minute. Edinson Cavani’s clinical finish from close range put the visitors back in front. Refusing to surrender, Everton threw everything forward in search of an equalizer. In a moment of brilliance, substitute Anthony Gordon found Demarai Gray on the left wing, who whipped in a cross that found Calvert-Lewin. The England international made no mistake, heading the ball past David De Gea to tie the game once again. With seconds remaining on the clock, Goodison Park erupted as Alex Iwobi latched onto a loose ball just outside the United penalty area. With a coolly taken finish, he sent the ball past De Gea and into the bottom corner to secure a dramatic victory for Everton. The Toffees’ stunning comeback was not only a major upset but also a huge boost to their relegation battle. The win lifted them four points clear of the drop zone, while United’s defeat dealt a blow to their hopes of a top-four finish. For Everton, the night was one to remember. The players showed incredible resilience and determination to come from behind against one of the Premier League’s most illustrious opponents. The win will undoubtedly go down in the club’s history as one of their greatest comebacks.

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